Tuesday, September 13, 2011

                                           ~ THRIFTY FINDS~

 Hello:) Today iam just going to show you some of the great ,modest, and completely inexpensive skirts you can find at Thrift stores! I know I know, your thinking THRIFT STORES??O.o. But let me tell you , thrift stores have become my new skirt kingdom! So don't underestimate these second hand stores:) The following pictures are some examples of the very cute and modest skirts you can absolutely dress up or dress down  while being completely thrifty! I hope you could get ideas or be totally motivated to go hit up your local thrift store, their is no telling the awesome things you could find! (I would extremely suggest that you do wash anything before you decide to wear it!)     Thank you so very much for visiting this blog i hope you enjoy it and come back<3 




  1. Gorgeous skirts!! I love finding great skirts at thrift stores! A few summers ago, I wanted some shorter skirts to wear, I lucked up and got about 6 or 7 skirts at a thrift store in one day. And they were great brands like Old Navy, Gap, Ralph Lauren.. plus they were only about $3 each! That pretty much did me for the whole summer. :)
    Glad to see you're back blogging again! Keep it up!

  2. Thrift stores are my little piece of heaven on earth! I LOVE THEM! I also buy the larger skirts and refashion them!

    I am a blogger and I am apostolic pentecostal! I love fashion and dressing modestly!

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